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Version: 2.19

Telepresence Release Notes

Version 2.19.1 (July 12)

Add brew support for the OSS version of Telepresence.

The Open-Source Software version of Telepresence can now be installed using the brew formula via brew install datawire/blackbird/telepresence-oss.
A --create-namespace (default true) flag was added to the telepresence helm install command. No attempt will be made to create a namespace for the traffic-manager if it is explicitly set to false. The command will then fail if the namespace is missing.
A network.defaultDNSWithFallback config option has been introduced on Windows. It will cause the DNS-resolver to fall back to the resolver that was first in the list prior to when Telepresence establishes a connection. The option is default true since it is believed to give the best experience but can be set to false to restore the old behavior.

Brew now supports MacOS (amd64/arm64) / Linux (amd64)

The brew formula can now dynamically support MacOS (amd64/arm64) / Linux (amd64) in a single formula
Added supplied as a new option for agentInjector.certificate.method. This fully disables the generation of the Mutating Webhook's secret, allowing the chart to use the values of a pre-existing secret named Previously, the install would fail when it attempted to create or update the externally-managed secret.
The nslookup program on Windows uses a PTR query to retrieve its displayed "Server" property. This Telepresence DNS resolver will now return the cluster domain on such a query.
A new Helm chart value schedulerName has been added. With this feature, we are able to define some particular schedulers from Kubernetes to apply some different strategies to allocate telepresence resources, including the Traffic Manager and hooks pods.
Applying multiple deployments that used the enabled would cause a race condition, resulting in a large number of created pods that eventually had to be deleted, or sometimes in pods that didn't contain a traffic agent.
-> The traffic-manager helm chart will now correctly use a custom agent security context if one is provided.

Version 2.19.0 (June 15)

The difference between the OSS and the Enterprise offering is not well understood, and OSS users often install a traffic-manager using the Helm chart published at This Helm chart installs an enterprise traffic-manager, which is probably not what the user would expect. Telepresence will now warn when an OSS client connects to an enterprise traffic-manager and suggest switching to an enterprise client, or use telepresence helm install to install an OSS traffic-manager.
A new Helm chart value schedulerName has been added. With this feature, we are able to define some particular schedulers from Kubernetes to apply some different strategies to allocate telepresence resources, including the Traffic Manager and hooks pods.
-> The traffic-manager will now use a shared-informer when keeping track of deployments. This will significantly reduce the load on the Kublet in large clusters and therefore lessen the risk for the traffic-manager being throttled, which can lead to other problems.
Clusters like Amazon EKS often use a special authentication binary that is declared in the kubeconfig using an exec authentication strategy. This binary is normally not available inside a container. Consequently, a modified kubeconfig is used when telepresence connect --docker executes, appointing a kubeauth binary which instead retrieves the authentication from a port on the Docker host that communicates with another process outside of Docker. This process then executes the original exec command to retrieve the necessary credentials. This setup was problematic when using WSL, because even though telepresence connect --docker was executed on a Linux host, the Docker host available from host.docker.internal that the kubeauth connected to was the Windows host running Docker Desktop. The fix for this was to use the local IP of the default route instead of host.docker.internal when running under WSL..
The workload cache was keyed by name and namespace, but not by kind, so a workload named the same as its owner workload would be found using the same key. This led to the workload finding itself when looking up its owner, which in turn resulted in an endless recursion when searching for the topmost owner.
The traffic-manager considers some events as fatal when waiting for a traffic-agent to arrive after an injection has been initiated. This logic would trigger on events like "Warning FailedScheduling 0/63 nodes are available" although those events indicate a recoverable condition and kill the wait. This is now fixed so that the events are logged but the wait continues.
The traffic-manager is typically installed into a namespace different from the one that clients are connected to. It's therefore important that the traffic-manager adds the client's namespace when resolving single label names in situations where there are any agents to dispatch the DNS query to.
A helm install would make attempts to find manually installed artifacts and make them managed by Helm by adding the necessary labels and annotations. This was important when the Helm chart was first introduced but is far less so today, and this legacy import was therefore removed.

Docker aliases deprecation caused failure to detect Kind cluster.

The logic for detecting if a cluster is a local Kind cluster, and therefore needs some special attention when using telepresence connect --docker, relied on the presence of Aliases in the Docker network that a Kind cluster sets up. In Docker versions from 26 and up, this value is no longer used, but the corresponding info can instead be found in the new DNSNames field.

Include svc as a top-level domain in the DNS resolver.

It's not uncommon that use-cases involving Kafka or other middleware use FQNs that end with "svc". The core-DNS resolver in Kubernetes can resolve such names. With this bugfix, the Telepresence DNS resolver will also be able to resolve them, and thereby remove the need to add ".svc" to the include-suffix list.
A new Helm chart boolean value agentInjector.enable has been added that controls the agent-injector service and its associated mutating webhook. If set to false, the service, the webhook, and the secrets and certificates associated with it, will no longer be installed.
A new Helm chart value agentInjector.certificate.accessMethod which can be set to watch (the default) or mount has been added. The mount setting is intended for clusters with policies that prevent containers from doing a get, list or watch of a Secret, but where a latency of up to 90 seconds is acceptable between the time the secret is regenerated and the agent-injector picks it up.
Volume mounts like /var/run/secrets/ are not declared in the workload. Instead, they are injected during pod-creation and their names are generated. It is now possible to ignore such mounts using a matching path prefix.
A telemount object was added to the intercept object in config.yml (or Helm value client.intercept), so that the automatic download and installation of this plugin can be fully customised.
This allows another process with a kubeconfig already loaded in memory to directly pass it to telepresence connect without needing a separate file. Simply use a dash "-" as the filename for the --kubeconfig flag.
A new Helm chart value agent.securityContext that will allow configuring the security context of the injected traffic agent. The value can be set to a valid Kubernetes securityContext object, or can be set to an empty value () to ensure the agent has no defined security context. If no value is specified, the traffic manager will set the agent's security context to the same as the first container's of the workload being injected into.
Tracing must now be enabled explicitly in order to use the telepresence gather-traces command.
The config.yml values timeouts.agentInstall and timeouts.apply haven't been in use since versions prior to 2.6.0, when the client was responsible for installing the traffic-agent. These timeouts are now removed from the code-base, and a warning will be printed when attempts are made to use them.
This resolves a bug that did not test all subnets in a private range, sometimes resulting in the warning, "DNS doesn't seem to work properly."
The logic for detecting if a cluster is a local Kind cluster, and therefore needs some special attention when using telepresence connect --docker, relied on the presence of Aliases in the Docker network that a Kind cluster sets up. In Docker versions from 26 and up, this value is no longer used, but the corresponding info can instead be found in the new DNSNames field.
An attempt to create a pod was blocked unless it was provided by a workload. Hence, commands like kubectl run -i busybox --rm --image=curlimages/curl --restart=Never -- curl echo-easy.default would be blocked from executing.
If a telepresence connect was made at a time when the root daemon was not running (an abnormal condition) and a subsequent intercept was then made, a panic would occur when the port-forward to the agent was set up. This is now fixed so that the initial telepresence connect is refused unless the root daemon is running.
The datawire/telemount that is automatically downloaded and installed, would never be updated once the installation was made. Telepresence will now check for the latest release of the plugin and cache the result of that check for 24 hours. If a new version arrives, it will be installed and used.
A CIDR with a mask that leaves less than two bits (/31 or /32 for IPv4) cannot be added as an address to the VIF, because such addresses must have bits allowing a "via" IP. The logic was modified to allow such CIDRs to become static routes, using the VIF base address as their "via", rather than being VIF addresses in their own right.
When using telepresence connect --docker to create a containerized daemon, that daemon would sometimes create files in the cache that were owned by root, which then caused problems when connecting without the --docker flag.
The traffic-manager would make a very large number of API requests during cluster start-up or when many services were changed for other reasons. The logic that did this was refactored and the number of queries were significantly reduced.
A container that is being replaced by a telepresence intercept --replace invocation will have no liveness-, readiness, nor startup-probes. Telepresence didn't take this into consideration when injecting the traffic-agent, but now it will refrain from patching symbolic port names of those probes.
The code that auto-patches the kubeconfig when connecting to a kind cluster from within a docker container, relied on the context name starting with "kind-", but although all contexts created by kind have that name, the user is still free to rename it or to create other contexts using the same connection properties. The logic was therefore changed to instead look for a loopback service address.

Version 2.18.0 (February 9)

The version and status commands will now output the image that the traffic-agent will be using when injected by the agent-injector.

A new telepresence connect --proxy-via CIDR=WORKLOAD flag was introduced, allowing Telepresence to translate DNS responses matching specific subnets into virtual IPs that are used locally. Those virtual IPs are then routed (with reverse translation) via the pod's of a given workload. This makes it possible to handle custom DNS servers that resolve domains into loopback IPs. The flag may also be used in cases where the cluster's subnets are in conflict with the workstation's VPN.

The CIDR can also be a symbolic name that identifies a subnet or list of subnets:

alsoAll subnets added with --also-proxy
serviceThe cluster's service subnet
podsThe cluster's pod subnets.
allAll of the above.
The agent.appProtocolStrategy was inadvertently dropped when moving license related code fromm the OSS repository the repository for the Enterprise version of Telepresence. It has now been restored.
The telepresence config view command will now print zero values in the output when the default for the value is non-zero.
The improvements made to be able to run the telepresence daemon in docker using telepresence connect --docker made it impossible to run both the CLI and the daemon in docker. This commit fixes that and also ensures that the user- and root-daemons are merged in this scenario when the container runs as root.
A telepresence intercept --replace did not correctly mount all volumes, because when the intercepted container was removed, its mounts were no longer visible to the agent-injector when it was subjected to a second invocation. The container is now kept in place, but with an image that just sleeps infinitely.
A telepresence intercept --replace will no longer switch the mode of the intercepted workload, forcing all subsequent intercepts on that workload to use --replace until the agent is uninstalled. Instead, --replace can be used interchangeably just like any other intercept flag.
The logic added to allow the root daemon to connect directly to the cluster using the user daemon as a proxy for exec type authentication in the kube-config, didn't take into account that a context name sometimes contains the colon ":" character. That character cannot be used in filenames on windows because it is the drive letter separator.
The AGENT_IMAGE was a concatenation of the agent's name and tag. This is now changed so that the env instead contains an AGENT_IMAGE_NAME and AGENT_INAGE_TAG. The AGENT_IMAGE is removed. Also, a new env REGISTRY is added, where the registry of the traffic- manager image is provided. The AGENT_REGISTRY is no longer required and will default to REGISTRY if not set.
Telepresence would sometimes prefix environment interpolation expressions in the traffic-agent twice so that an expression that looked like $(SOME_NAME) in the app-container, ended up as $(_TEL_APP_A__TEL_APP_A_SOME_NAME) in the corresponding expression in the traffic-agent.
A darwin machine with full access to the cluster's subnets will never create a TUN-device, and a check was missing if the device actually existed, which caused a panic in the root daemon.
The telepresence status and telepresence config view commands didn't show the allowConflictingSubnets CIDRs because the value wasn't propagated correctly to the CLI.
Only one host-based connection can exist because that connection will alter the DNS to reflect the namespace of the connection. but it's now possible to create additional connections using --docker while retaining the host-based connection.
The hostname of a containerized daemon defaults to be the container's ID in Docker. You now can override the hostname using telepresence connect --docker --hostname <a name>.
The output of the telepresence status when using --output json or --output yaml will either show an object where the user_daemon and root_daemon are top level elements, or when multiple connections are used, an object where a connections list contains objects with those daemons. The flag --multi-daemon will enforce the latter structure even when only one daemon is connected so that the output can be parsed consistently. The reason for keeping the former structure is to retain backward compatibility with existing parsers.
A quit (without -s) just disconnects the host user and root daemons but will quit a container based daemon. The message printed was simplified to remove some have/has is/are errors caused by the difference.
The agent-injector service will now refresh the secret used by the mutator-webhook each time a new connection is established, thus preventing the certificates to go out-of-sync when the secret is regenerated.
An intercept attempt that resulted in a timeout due to failure of injecting the traffic-agent left the telepresence-agents configmap in a state that indicated that an agent had been added, which caused problems for subsequent intercepts after the problem causing the first failure had been fixed.
A telepresence status, issued when multiple containerized daemons were active, would error with "multiple daemons are running, please select one using the --use <match> flag". This is now fixed so that the command instead reports the status of all running daemons.
A telepresence version, issued when multiple containerized daemons were active, would error with "multiple daemons are running, please select one using the --use <match> flag". This is now fixed so that the command instead reports the version of all running daemons.
A telepresence quit -s, issued when multiple containerized daemons were active, would error with "multiple daemons are running, please select one using the --use <match> flag". This is now fixed so that the command instead quits all daemons.
The DNS search path that Telepresence uses to simulate the DNS lookup functionality in the connected cluster namespace was not removed by a telepresence quit, resulting in connectivity problems from the workstation. Telepresence will now remove the entries that it has added to the search list when it quits.
The user-daemon would die with a fatal "fatal error: concurrent map writes" error in the connector.log, effectively killing the ongoing connection.
Intercepts didn't work when multiple service ports were using the same container port. Telepresence would think that one of the ports wasn't intercepted and therefore disable the intercept of the container port.
The root daemon would sometimes hang forever when attempting to disconnect due to a deadlock in the VIF-device.
The user daemon would panic if the traffic-manager was unreachable. It will now instead report a proper error to the client.
The telepresence helm installer will no longer discover and convert workloads that were modified by versions prior to 2.6.0. The traffic manager will and no longer support the muxed tunnels used in versions prior to 2.5.0.

Version 2.17.0 (November 14)

This feature adds the following metrics to the Prometheus endpoint: connect_count, connect_active_status, intercept_count, and intercept_active_status. These are labeled by client/install_id. Additionally, the intercept_count metric has been renamed to active_intercept_count for clarity.
The docker image used when running a Telepresence intercept in docker mode can now be configured using the setting images.clientImage and will default first to the value of the environment TELEPRESENCE_CLIENT_IMAGE, and then to the value preset by the telepresence binary. This configuration setting is primarily intended for testing purposes.
The telepresence TUN-device is now capable of establishing direct port-forwards to a traffic-agent in the connected namespace. That port-forward is then used for all outbound traffic to the device, and also for all traffic that arrives from intercepted workloads. Getting rid of the extra hop via the traffic-manager improves performance and reduces the load on the traffic-manager. The feature can only be used if the client has Kubernetes port-forward permissions to the connected namespace. It can be disabled by setting cluster.agentPortForward to false in config.yml.
The root-daemon now communicates directly with the traffic-manager instead of routing all outbound traffic through the user-daemon. The root-daemon uses a patched kubeconfig where exec configurations to obtain credentials are dispatched to the user-daemon. This to ensure that all authentication plugins will execute in user-space. The old behavior of routing everything through the user-daemon can be restored by setting cluster.connectFromRootDaemon to false in config.yml.
telepresence connect (and other commands that kick off a connect) now accepts an --allow-conflicting-subnets CLI flag. This is equivalent to client.routing.allowConflictingSubnets in the helm chart, but can be specified at connect time. It will be appended to any configuration pushed from the traffic manager.
Print a warning if the minor version diff between the client and the traffic manager is greater than three.
The authenticator binary, used when serving proxied exec kubeconfig credential retrieval, has been removed. The functionality was instead added as a subcommand to the telepresence binary.

Version 2.16.1 (October 12)

This flag is similar to --docker-build but will start the container with more relaxed security using the docker run flags --security-opt apparmor=unconfined --cap-add SYS_PTRACE.
In some situations it is necessary to make some ports available to the host from a containerized telepresence daemon. This commit adds a repeatable --expose <docker port exposure> flag to the connect command.
The kube-system and kube-node-lease namespaces should not be affected by a global agent-injector webhook by default. A default namespaceSelector was therefore added to the Helm Chart agentInjector.webhook that contains a NotIn preventing those namespaces from being selected.
Users of Telepresence < 2.9.0 that make use of the pod template TLS annotations were unable to upgrade because the annotation names have changed (now prefixed by "telepresence."), and the environment expansion of the annotation values was dropped. This fix restores support for the old names (while retaining the new ones) and the environment expansion.
Built Telepresence with go 1.21.3 to address CVEs.
When listing intercepts (typically by calling telepresence list) selectors of services are matched against workloads. Previously the match was made against the labels of the workload, but now they are matched against the labels pod template of the workload. Since the service would actually be matched against pods this is more correct. The most common case when this makes a difference is that statefulsets now are listed when they should.

Version 2.16.0 (October 2)

The telepresence helm install/upgrade/uninstall commands will no longer start the telepresence user daemon because there's no need to connect to the traffic-manager in order for them to execute.
A race condition would sometimes occur when a Telepresence TUN device was deleted and another created in rapid succession that caused the routing table to reference interfaces that no longer existed.
When using telepresence connect --docker, a lingering container could be present, causing errors like "The container name NN is already in use by container XX ...". When this happens, the connect logic will now give the container some time to stop and then call docker stop NN to stop it before retrying to start it.
Files in the Telepresence cache are accesses by multiple processes. The processes will now use advisory locks on the files to guarantee consistency.
The behavior changed so that a connected Telepresence client is bound to a namespace. The namespace can then not be changed unless the client disconnects and reconnects. A connection is also given a name. The default name is composed from <kube context name>-<namespace> but can be given explicitly when connecting using --name. The connection can optionally be identified using the option --use <name match> (only needed when docker is used and more than one connection is active).
The global flags --context and --docker will now be considered deprecated unless used with commands that accept the full set of Kubernetes flags (e.g. telepresence connect).
The --namespace flag is now deprecated for telepresence intercept command. The flag can instead be used with all commands that accept the full set of Kubernetes flags (e.g. telepresence connect).
The telepresence code-base still contained a lot of code that would modify workloads instead of relying on the mutating webhook installer when a traffic-manager version predating version 2.6.0 was discovered. This code has now been removed.
These commands can be used to check accessible namespaces and for automation.
A deprecation warning will be printed if a command other than telepresence connect causes an implicit connect to happen. Implicit connects will be removed in a future release.

Version 2.15.1 (September 6)

Rebuild Telepresence with go 1.21.1 to address CVEs.
Openshift users reported that the traffic agent injection was failing due to a missing security context.

Version 2.15.0 (August 29)

ASLR hardens binary sercurity against fixed memory attacks.

Added client builds for arm64 architecture.

Updated the release workflow files in github actions to including building and publishing the client binaries for arm64 architecture.

KUBECONFIG env var can now be used with the docker mode.

If provided, the KUBECONFIG environment variable was passed to the kubeauth-foreground service as a parameter. However, since it didn't exist, the CLI was throwing an error when using telepresence connect --docker.

Fix deadlock while watching workloads

The telepresence list --output json-stream wasn't releasing the session's lock after being stopped, including with a telepresence quit. The user could be blocked as a result.
Replace deprecated info in the JSON output of the telepresence list command.

Version 2.14.4 (August 21)

Nil pointer exception when upgrading the traffic-manager.

Upgrading the traffic-manager using telepresence helm upgrade would sometimes result in a helm error message executing "telepresence/templates/intercept-env-configmap.yaml" at <.Values.intercept.environment.excluded>: nil pointer evaluating interface .excluded"

Version 2.14.2 (July 26)

Telepresence now use the OSS agent in its latest version by default.

The traffic manager admin was forced to set it manually during the chart installation.

Version 2.14.1 (July 7)

A new agent.helm.httpIdleTimeout setting was added to the Helm chart that controls the proprietary Traffic agent's http idle timeout. The default of one hour, which in some situations would cause a lot of resource consuming and lingering connections, was changed to 70 seconds.
Several gauges were added to the Prometheus client to make it easier to monitor what the Traffic manager spends resources on.
Add option to set traffic agent pull policy in helm chart.
Fixes a resource leak in the Traffic manager caused by lingering tunnels between the clients and Traffic agents. The tunnels are now closed correctly when terminated from the side that created them.

Fixed problem setting traffic manager namespace using the kubeconfig extension.

Fixes a regression introduced in version 2.10.5, making it impossible to set the traffic-manager namespace using the kubeconfig extension.

Version 2.14.0 (June 12)

DNS configuration now supports excludes and mappings.

The DNS configuration now supports two new fields, excludes and mappings. The excludes field allows you to exclude a given list of hostnames from resolution, while the mappings field can be used to resolve a hostname with another.
Added a new config map that can take an array of environment variables that will then be excluded from an intercept that retrieves the environment of a pod.
A traffic-agent of version 2.13.3 (or 1.13.15) would not propagate the directories under /var/run/secrets when used with a traffic manager older than 2.13.3.

Fixed race condition causing segfaults on rare occasions when a tunnel stream timed out.

A context cancellation could sometimes be trapped in a stream reader, causing it to incorrectly return an undefined message which in turn caused the parent reader to panic on a nil pointer reference.
Telepresence will now attempt to detect and report routing conflicts with other running VPN software on client machines. There is a new configuration flag that can be tweaked to allow certain CIDRs to be overridden by Telepresence.
Running telepresence test-vpn will now print a deprecation warning and exit. The command will be removed in a future release. Instead, please configure telepresence for your VPN's routes.

Version 2.13.3 (May 25)

Add imagePullSecrets to hooks

Add .Values.hooks.curl.imagePullSecrets and .Values.hooks curl.imagePullSecrets to Helm values.
The default setting of the reinvocationPolicy for the mutating webhook dealing with agent injections changed from Never to IfNeeded.

Fix mounting fail of IAM roles for service accounts web identity token

The volume injected by EKS is now exported and remotely mounted during an intercept.

Correct namespace selector for cluster versions with non-numeric characters

The mutating webhook now correctly applies the namespace selector even if the cluster version contains non-numeric characters. For example, it can now handle versions such as Major:"1", Minor:"22+".

Enable IPv6 on the telepresence docker network

The "telepresence" Docker network will now propagate DNS AAAA queries to the Telepresence DNS resolver when it runs in a Docker container.

Fix the crash when intercepting with --local-only and --docker-run

Running telepresence intercept --local-only --docker-run no longer results in a panic.

Fix incorrect error message with local-only mounts

Running telepresence intercept --local-only --mount false no longer results in an incorrect error message saying "a local-only intercept cannot have mounts".

specify port in hook urls

The helm chart now correctly handles custom agentInjector.webhook.port that was not being set in hook URLs.
Params .intercept.disableGlobal and .timeouts.agentArrival are now correctly honored.